The IP Strategy Offers are available to clients of the Local Enterprise Offices. These offers support Companies to obtain the necessary external expert IP advisory and support services to address immediate IP issues e.g., prior-art* research in support of an RD&I Technical Feasibility study; IP Audit of existing R&D output; draft and file a patent etc.
(*Prior Art - any evidence that your invention is already known)
This offer comprises of two separate grants:
IP Start Grant
This grant supports companies to obtain the necessary external expert IP advisory and support services to address immediate IP issues e.g., prior-art research in support of an RD&I Technical Feasibility study; IP Audit of existing R&D output; draft and file a patent etc. Click here to find out more information
IP Plus Grant
This grant supports companies to obtain external expert IP advisory support services and to build the in-company IP capability which are necessary to implement a detailed IP Strategy.
The IP Strategy should be aligned with the company’s RD&I and business development strategies. Advisor(s) and IP Champion will work collaboratively to implement IP related activities and transfer IP knowledge to the company. Click here to find out more information
Eligible Costs
The following categories of expenditure are eligible for support:
- Consultancy – Cost of external IP advisory and support services, including costs for obtaining, validating and defending IP, if applicable.
- Salary – Salary cost for the portion of time an internal staff member(s) performs tasks assigned to the IP Champion(s) role (IP Plus only).
In-eligible Costs
Costs ineligible for support include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Expenditure prior to date of application
- IP acquisition costs
- Licensing and royalty payments
- Patent filing in relation to technology acquisition.
- Professional fees to cover technical, commercial and legal due diligence
- Legal and professional costs in support of IP rights enforcement actions
- Sales related expenses
- Trade Fair participation costs
- Salaries
- Consultant expenses.
- Overheads
Funding Limits
IP Start
Max Eligible Expenditure | Consultancy - external IP advisory and support services, including costs for obtaining, validating and defending IP, e.g., patent/trademark filing fees. | €2,700 |
| Salary | €0, |
Max Total Expenditure | | €2,700 |
Max Grant | 80% | €2,160 |
IP Plus
Max Eligible Expenditure | Consultancy - external IP advisory and support services, including costs for obtaining, validating and defending IP, e.g. patent/trademark filing fees. | €50,000 |
| Salary - based on a gross salary (capped at €150K) daily rate for time spent on assignment, up to 50% of total cost. | €35,000 |
Max Total Expenditure | | €70,000 |
Max Grant | 50% | €35,000 |
Note 1:
- Eligible applicants can apply a maximum of 3 times for each initiative (IP Start and IP Plus) but not concurrently.
- Salary cost cannot exceed Consultancy cost or 50% of overall project cost (IP Plus).
Am I eligible?
- Irish owned firm operating in the manufacturing/ internationally traded services sectors.
- Client company of Enterprise Ireland, a Local Enterprise Office or Údarás na Gaeltachta.
- SME (Large companies may also request to apply for the IP Plus grant only and will be considered on a case-by-case basis provided that all other criteria are satisfied. Large companies must contact their Development Advisor before applying).
- An RD&I performing company - To be eligible to apply companies must be R&D active.
How do I apply?
All applications for funding should be discussed with your Local Enterprise Office to determine eligibility and to support you through the process. Find your Local Enterprise Office