An upcoming event of possible interest to your business is the recently launched Export Summit 2017 Local to Global, which is an initiative that aims to support companies that wish to either kick start or expand their export efforts.
Western Regional Event
The event is a collaborative undertaking by the Local Enterprise Offices of Galway, Mayo & Roscommon, as part of the wider economic development remit of their representative Local Authorities; as well as Enterprise Ireland, Údarás na Gaeltachta, Western Development Commission and the IDA.
Previously, around this time of year, MeetWest, one of the largest business networking events in the West of Ireland, usually took place around mid November time and was organised by the same group of representatives above. For this year, however, MeetWest will not be taking place and the focus will shift towards this export themed event, which will be co-ordinated by LEO Galway and based in the Clayton Hotel, Galway.
Panel Discussion followed by interactive workshops
Local to Global will incorporate a panel discussion by local companies who have successfully grown their businesses from a local to a global market. Enterprise Ireland are providing overseas country managers to outline opportunities in key markets including the UK, Northern Europe and Germany.
The afternoon includes a series of interactive workshops and presentations by keynote speakers and experts in specific markets. Supported by financial, communication and talent management professionals the event allows delegates to share best practice on growing and developing a successful export business.
Keynote speakers with a proven track-record in high level international trading (such as Damien Costello of Synecco, James Murphy of Lifes2Good and Colm Feeney of SSL Logistics) will deliver instructive advice on how to access new markets in Europe and beyond.
Local to Global also affords attendees the opportunity to network with other exporting companies, and to access Government agencies such as Enterprise Ireland, the IDA and Local Enterprise Offices – all under one roof.
This one day event will take place on the 9th of November at the Clayton Hotel, Galway City and is open to all companies, either currently exporting or that intend to export.
Find out more
For registration and further information on Export Summit visit or email There is currently a reduced rate for tickets if you register your business before the 13th of October.