Local Enterprise Week 2016

Get involved with Enterprise Week.  We have a host of seminars on funding and growing your business, hiring and getting to international markets.  Most events are FREE.

For more information please download the Local Enterprise Week Brochure here.

07 March


Business Advice Clinic

Westport Chambers of Commerce

Mayo Local Enterprise Office organise Business Advice Clinics whereby business clients are welcome to discuss their venture with a Business Adviser. We can help you to identify the most appropriate supports/steps to take to advance your business proposition. The adviser will also be in a position to provide direction on soft supports such as training programmes, mentoring and management development programmes.

Contact Mayo Local Enterprise office for more information

094 904 7555


SME supports available from Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland

Cedar House, Castlebar

The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland was established as Ireland's national energy authority under the Sustainable Energy Act 2002. SEAI's mission is to play a leading role in transforming Ireland into a society based on sustainable energy structures, technologies and practices. To fulfil this mission SEAI aims to provide well-timed and informed advice to Government, and deliver a range of programmes efficiently and effectively, while engaging and motivating a wide range of stakeholders and showing continuing flexibility and innovation in all activities.

The aim of this discussion is to explore the supports available to SME’s in particular. SEAI have a dedicated SME support centre which offers advice and training for businesses that are looking to reduce their energy spend and benefit their bottom line

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Mayo Hour on Twitter


@MayoHour facilitates networking every Monday night on Twitter from 9-10pm to discuss all things related to Mayo! The Local Enterprise Office Mayo has sponsored the Mayo Hour on the 7th of March as part of Mayo Enterprise Week in order to promote what’s happening during the week.

08 March


“My Start Up Story” – featuring Daniel Loftus, Urbanfox

BOI, Mainguard Street, Galway

As part of a regional initiative, Galway, Mayo & Roscommon Local Enterprise Offices bring you “My Start Up story”; an interactive seminar and panel discussion where three business owners will share their own personal experiences of setting up their business, how they have grown their business and what they have learnt along the way. There will also be an interactive panel discussion with a Q&A session. Daniel Loftus of UrbanFox, based in Newport, Co. Mayo will be talking at the event.

Book Online Here


Trading Online Voucher Seminar

Breaffy House Hotel, Castlebar

With the trend ever increasing towards online spending it is estimated that only 23% of small Irish businesses are engaged in any meaningful way in e-commerce sales. For businesses employing less than ten people this percentage could be even lower. It is now believed that of online purchases made in Ireland that 70% of these are done in overseas markets. In order to help Irish businesses increase their online presence, vouchers up to a maximum value of €2,500 is available through the Local Enterprise Office Mayo.

At the seminar will talk through eligibility for the scheme and discuss website development in general also.

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09 March


GMIT Student Enterprise Awards

GMIT, Castlebar

The annual event, organised by the GMIT Mayo Innovation Hub, gives GMIT students a unique opportunity to test their creative business ideas and win a share of the prize money worth €3,000. John Magee, Head of Mayo Enterprise (Acting) will be judging at the event.



Business Advice Clinic


International Trading In the US

Ballina Library, Ballina


Abbey Hotel, Roscommon

Mayo Local Enterprise Office organise Business Advice Clinics whereby business clients are welcome to discuss their venture with a Business Adviser. We can help you to identify the most appropriate supports/steps to take to advance your business proposition. The adviser will also be in a position to provide direction on soft supports such as training programmes, mentoring and management development programmes.

The Ireland West International Trade Centre is a collaborative partnership developing a soft landing platform in the US for companies, businesses and entrepreneurs based in the West and North West of Ireland.

Visit the dedicated website www.irelandwesttradecentre.com to learn more about the programme.

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Preparing my product for export and international affairs (one-to-one mentoring included)

Breaffy House Hotel, Castlebar

Mayo Local Enterprise Office in conjunction with the Design & Crafts Council of Ireland are running a Craft Workshop as part of Mayo Enterprise Week on Wednesday 9th March in Breaffy House Hotel, Castlebar. “Preparing my product for export and International Fairs” will cover such key areas as The Stand, The Product, Presentation, Paperwork & Customers. The workshop commences at 9.30a.m. – 2:00pm. One-to-one mentoring will be available on the day.

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10 March


Hiring through INTREO

Cedar House, Castlebar

INTREO is a new service from the Department of Social Protection. Intreo is a single point of contact for all employment and income supports. Designed to provide a more streamlined approach, INTREO offers practical, tailored employment services & supports for jobseekers and employers alike. A representative from the local INTREO office will talk about schemes available to business owners such as the Back to Work Enterprise Allowance, Jobs Plus & Jobs Bridge.

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Funding & growing your Business – in partnership with AIB & Microfinance Ireland

GMIT Innovation Hub, Castlebar

The Mayo Local Enterprise Office in partnership with AIB and Microfinance Ireland will be hosting a seminar discussing the different avenues of funding available to businesses. Speakers will include John Magee, Head of Mayo Enterprise (Acting), Michael Hutton, Branch Manager of AIB Castlebar & Michael O’Keane, External Assessor for Microfinance Ireland.

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Drop In Mentoring Clinic – No appt. necessary

Cedar House, Castlebar

11 March


Taking your Business to International Markets through the Enterprise Europe Network

Cedar House, Castlebar

The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) is the world's largest support network for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and helps Irish companies to make the most of business and technology opportunities in the EU and other major global markets. It is a key instrument in the EU's strategy to boost growth and jobs. Bringing together around 600 business support organisations from more than 60 countries, it helps small companies seize the unparalleled business opportunities in the EU Single Market.

The seminar will view an overview of the network and the potential benefits of joining the Enterprise Europe Network, followed by a Q&A session.

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National Enterprise Awards – County Winner Announcement via social & local media

Cedar House, Castlebar

For more information please download the Local Enterprise Week Brochure here.