Who can apply?
- Any business (Sole Trader, Partnership or Limited Company) based in Ireland with less than 10 employees and annual turnover of up to €2m
- Unable to secure finance from Bank and/or commercial provider
Apply directly to your Local Enterprise Office to avail of the discounted interest rate
Click here to find your Local Enterprise Office and apply directly through your LEO
What happens next:
- Contact your LEO to request an Application form
- MFI will email the business directly with the documents that are needed to make a loan application.
- Forward loan application along with supporting documentation to your Local Enterprise Office to avail of a 1% discount on the interest rate.
- Alternatively, you can submit your application directly to Microfinance Ireland by post or email applications@microfinanceireland.ie – however you won’t receive the 1% Interest Rate discount if you submit your application directly to Microfinance Ireland.
Terms & Conditions
1. The maximum loan amount is €25,000 for all applicants
2. MFI loans are generally paid over a 3 or 4 year period, capital expenditure may be funded up to 5 years
3. There are no fees or penalties for paying the loan off early.
4. You must have less than 10 full time employees
5. If your business is trading already, you must have less than €2M in revenue in your previous year of trading.